Fundraiser for Betty’s Beach Cafe Staff


Aloha…I’m Paul Jesus one of the managers at Betty’s Beach Cafe. As some of you may know…Betty’s did not survive! Lahaina Town has lost homes and businesses due to Hurricane Dora. This fundraiser is to help my staff that lost everything to relocate and get them back on their feet after this tragedy. Anything helps. Please keep Maui in your prayers as we figure out the next steps in rebuilding this beautiful town. We love and thank you all so much for all of your support throughout the years.


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The LGBTQ+ Travel is Surging

pexels-anna-shvets-3727541The LGBTQ+ community has been “exploding” back onto the travel scene in the past year as the COVID-19
pandemic wanes, according to David Paisley, senior research director with LGBTQ-focused Community Marketing
& Insights (CMI).

CMI recently completed its 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey, a broad look at the LGBTQ+ community, including its travel habits. Paisley spoke about the survey results this week during a webinar.

Paisley theorized that the LGBTQ+ community was slower to come back to travel than the general population because COVID became such a political issue in the United States.

The survey and other CMI research suggests travel is largely happening at a greater level than before the pandemic among the LGBTQ+ community, Paisley said. That is particularly true of people ages 18 to 54. There is still some reluctance to travel among older survey takers.

In other research Paisley conducts for specific destinations, he often asks where survey takers have traveled in the past 12 months. Statistics for every destination in 2023 are exceeding 2019 across the board, he said.

pexels-stephanie-lima-16051638“I think the LGBTQ community went through a pattern [where] we were actually underperforming for a couple of years, and we’re sort of exploding out of it right now,” he said.

CMI’s Community Survey found that more than half of respondents planned to book a hotel room (57%) or take a flight primarily for vacation (52%) in the second half of the year. Just under half, 49%, plan to take a vacation by car from home. Only 12% said they did not expect to travel for vacation for the rest of the year.

Big cities or metro areas were the most popular destinations for those planning travel for the remainder of the year (55%), followed by a beach destination (40%) and a road trip (37%).

Of those planning to travel during the remainder of the year, 77% will travel within the mainland United States, 19% will go to Europe and 11% to Mexico. Rounding out the top five destinations are the Caribbean and Canada (tied at
9%) and Hawaii (7%).

This year, 14,432 self-identified LGBTQ+ community members completed the survey from April to June.

For more information on the survey go to Community Marketing Insights

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More Pride in August from Pride Guide Colorado!

CAN’T HIDE THE PRIDE daily rides year round RAINBOW RYDERS EST. 1983 – Come Chill Aurora Pride SATURDAY AUGUST 5 – THE CENTER ON COLFAX Transgender Program In-Person Trans Women Support Group Every Thursday 6:00-8:00 PM

Colorado • August 2023


Does your business or organization support diversity and inclusion?
Become a Pride Guide® Partner today. Call 602.466.2501 or email us.

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More Pride in July from Pride Guide Colorado!


Colorado • July 2023


NoCo PRIDE 2023

Presented By: NoCo Equality
Dates: July 15, 2023
Location: Civic Center Park | Fort Collins, CO 80527
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM | Price: Free |

Does your business or organization support diversity and inclusion?
Become a Pride Guide® Partner today. Call 602.466.2501 or email us.

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Happy Pride Month from Pride Guide Colorado!

DIVE INTO SUMMER FUN IN TEMPE! Grab your sunglasses, sunscreen and sense of adventure because summer has arrived in Tempe! Sun and soak at the pool by day and take in a Broadway show or explore the wonders of the Sonoran Desert after sunset. Flashlight Nights shine with a self-guided tour through the Desert Botanical Garden all summer long. HAIRSPRAY, Broadway’s Tony Award-winning musical comedy phenomenon, returns to ASU Gammage this June! Rooftop Pools make for a perfect oasis during the summer. Catch some rays, some spectacular views and relax in Tempe.

Colorado • June 2023

ASU Pow Wow Pat's Run Music in the Garden Visit Tempe Tourism

Does your business or organization support diversity and inclusion?
Become a Pride Guide® Partner today. Call 602.466.2501 or email us.

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Stand Up for Inclusivity and Diversity: Become a Pride Guide USA Partner & Receive 20% Off for Life

In today’s climate in America, where discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals is still prevalent and in many states, on the rise, it’s essential to take a stand and show that you support equality and diversity. Partnering with Pride Guide® is an easy way to demonstrate that you’re an ally who believes in inclusivity and acceptance regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

April 28, 2023

In today’s climate in America, where discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals is still prevalent and in many states, on the rise, it’s essential to take a stand and show that
you support equality and diversity. Partnering with Pride Guide® is an easy way to demonstrate that you’re an ally who believes in inclusivity and acceptance regardless
of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Pride Guide® has been a trusted resource for 18 years, spotlighting our partners
and providing information on LGBTQ+ friendly events, businesses, and organizations. Increase your visibility among the LGBTQ+ audience and show your
commitment to promoting inclusivity and diversity.

For a limited time we’re offering new partners 20% off for life.
Simply use code: 20P4LIFE at checkout.

It is not only a good business decision, but it is also a way to promote social change
and contribute to a more equitable and accepting society.

602.466.2501 |

Dear Friends and Supporters:

We invite you to take part in the Community Marketing & Insights 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey!

For over a decade, this survey has provided free data to help non-profits, universities, and organizations better understand and serve the LGBTQ community. The report will be published on the website for free download on approximately August 15. Previous surveys have had over 45,000 participants from 150 countries!

Also, participation in this survey gives important feedback to our LGBTQ community media and organizations, and provides data to companies interested in serving our community, sponsoring our charities, and supporting their LGBTQ employees.

The survey should take about 12 to 15 minutes to complete.

Here’s the link to start the survey!

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April E-news from Pride Guide Colorado

CATCH A SNEAK PEEK OF SPRING IN TEMPE! Tempe spring events are a can’t miss! Explore a variety of outdoor events that will honor and inspire you with Tempe’s culture and spirit. ASU Pow Wow celebrates the heritage, beliefs and traditions of American Indian culture at Sun Devil Stadium. CHECK IT OUT Pat’s Run supports the Pat Tillman foundation with a 4.2 Mile run or walk through the streets of Tempe ending inside Sun Devil Stadium. GET THE SCOOP Music in the Garden presents a spectacular lineup of local musical talent at the Desert Botanical Garden. SEE FOR YOURSELF

Colorado • April 2023

ASU Pow Wow Pat's Run Music in the Garden Visit Tempe Tourism

April 17th from 7-8pm in the BOLD Center, University of Colorado Boulder

Does your business support diversity and inclusion?
Become a Pride Guide® Partner today. Call 602.466.2501 or email us.

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February 2023 Events from Pride Guide Colorado

BRING YOUR “A” GAME TO TEMPE THIS SPRING Soak up sunny skies and plenty of action-packed activities this spring in Tempe, Arizona. From Super Bowl LVII to the start of Cactus League Spring Training, Tempe is full of events and festivities for all sports enthusiasts. Super Bowl LVII touches down at State Farm Stadium this February. Experience all events surrounding the big game, including Tempe’s own FanDuel Party at Tempe Beach Park. Innings Festival at Tempe Beach Park is a two-day festival for music lovers, culinary enthusiasts and passionate baseball fans. Cactus League Spring Training, featuring the Los Angeles Angels brings 15 MLB teams to 10 stadiums across the Valley to play more than 200 games through the end of March.

Colorado • February 2023

Super Bowl LVII Innings Festival Cactus League Spring Training Visit Tempe Tourism


Does your business support diversity and inclusion?
Become a Pride Guide® Partner today. Call 602.466.2501 or email us.

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Human Rights Campaign on End of Mpox Public Health Emergency Declaration: “Today We Enter a New Phase in a Continuing Fight”

As Mpox Public Health Emergency Declaration Ends, HRC Looks Ahead to Next Phase: Vaccinations, Prevention, and Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations

WASHINGTON — Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) – the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) civil rights organization – marked the end of the Mpox Public Health Emergency, lauding the incredible efforts by the LGBTQ+ community to remain healthy while noting that Mpox continues to have disproportionately severe impacts on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and individuals living with HIV.

“Today, we enter the next phase in the continuing fight to end Mpox and maintain the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ people everywhere. Make no mistake, Mpox is still with us – and much the same with other health issues, it disproportionately impacts Black and Brown LGBTQ+ community members. We will work tirelessly to make sure as many people as possible remain healthy,” said Kelley Robinson, President of the Human Rights Campaign. “We urge members of the LGBTQ+ community to speak with their doctor about their options regarding vaccination, which has been proven to be safe and effective in preventing Mpox. This emergency declaration has ended, in no small part because of action from community leaders and organizations in partnership with the Biden-Harris administration and other federal, state, and local agencies. But the work is just beginning.”

HRC has taken an active role in the fight against Mpox as a natural extension of its pre-existing work to address health inequities within the LGBTQ+ community, immediately building a resource page to help educate people about Mpox. In September, as the virus was increasing in prevalence, HRC joined with a host of other advocacy organizations to ask Congress for $4.5 billion to combat Mpox, putting a stake in the ground as to the importance of fighting against the outbreak. It made a further ask for $900 million to combat the outbreak in December, calling for funding to restore the vaccine stockpile, expand cities’ testing capacity, and expand community-based organizations’ ability to connect individuals with care. Throughout the public health emergency, HRC has partnered with community-based organizations like the Valley AIDS Council in Texas to connect LGBTQ+ people, particularly Black and Latinx gay, bisexual, and other same-gender-loving men, with clinicians and host vaccine drives, increasing vaccine equity in the communities that were impacted most.

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.

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HISTORIC VICTORY: The Respect for Marriage Act is Law

With President Biden’s Signature, the Bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act Becomes Biggest Legislative Win in the Fight for LGBTQ+ Equality in Over a Decade

WASHINGTON — The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) — the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) civil rights organization — celebrated today as President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law. Arguably the biggest legislative win in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality since the so-called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law was repealed in 2010, this legislation will guarantee the federal rights, benefits and obligations of marriages in the federal code for same-sex couples; repeal the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA); and affirm that public acts, records and proceedings should be recognized by all states. It also codifies the same rights for interracial couples.

The legislation garnered 51 House and Senate Republican votes, the most of any LGBTQ+ pro-equality legislation in history and did so in the most politically polarized Congress to ever exist. These 51 votes demonstrate beyond a doubt that support for same-sex marriage and causes of LGBTQ+ equality bridge even the deepest entrenched ideological divides in America.

“Today is a historic day and a much-needed victory for our community. It should be lost on no one that this bill signing comes less than a month after a deadly attack on our community in Colorado Springs, and at a time when the community continues to face ongoing threats of online and offline violence, as well as legislative attacks on our rights. In signing this bill, President Biden has shown that LGBTQ+ peoples’ lives and love are valid and supported,” said Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson. “As a queer, married woman, this moment holds personal significance, and I will hold my wife and our son a little tighter tonight, alongside the 568,000 other same-sex married couples. We thank our legislative heroes and President Biden who fought to ensure that marriage equality will forever remain here to stay. And we continue our fight for the safety and security of our entire community.”

HRC worked tirelessly to engage our members and supporters in favor of this legislation, mobilizing 242 major businesses with over 8.5 million employees, a grassroots army of more than 3 million members, supporters and volunteers, and the nation’s 62 million “Equality Voters” to pass the Respect for Marriage Act. HRC supporters made more than 30,000 calls, sent over 76,000 emails, and wrote more than 58,000 letters to Congressional offices in support of the RMA. To read personal stories of why marriage equality is important to LGBTQ+ couples across the country, click here, and to watch a video featuring a D.C.-based couple, click here.

More Than Two-Thirds of People Support Marriage Equality

According to Gallup, 71% of Americans support marriage for same-sex couples. 55% of Republicans support same-sex marriage, along with 83% of Democrats and 73% of Independents. According to recent polling from HRC, 64% of people living in battleground states – AZ, CA, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI, FL, NH, NC, OH, TX, CO, and ME – support marriage equality, demonstrating the issue’s popularity even in politically divided states. The latest survey from PRRI this year found that support for marriage equality has increased by 14 percentage points since 2014 (54%). Today, majorities of most religious groups favor marriage equality. White evangelical Protestants (35%) and Latter-day Saints (46%) remain the only major religious groups with less than majority support for marriage equality. According to the last Census, about 58% (568,000) of couples in the nation’s 980,000 same-sex households were married and about 42% were unmarried partners.

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.

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